pain management

Health and Wellbeing workshop - week 6 - Pain management

Monday 12 December 2022
11:00 to 12:30

Join us for the sixth in a series of 8 workshops for people living with a long term health condition.

Week 6 Pain Management

  • Understand the pain cycle and how pain impacts on your life.
  • Learn techniques and strategies to help you manage your pain.

Who can come?

The workshops are open to residents in Bromley borough who are living with a long term health condition. Find more information about who we support.

To join in the workshop, you do need to be registered with Bromley Well. Get in touch to find out more and register by emailing or calling one of our Lifestyle Support Workers:

Kristina – 07985 444210 or

Queen - 07933202313 or 

 We look forward to meeting you! 

Contact Queen Irena-Sambou
Orpington Village Hall - 311 High Street
(view map)
Cost FREE - but please register your interest!