Bromley Well Young Carers GOT TALENT!

Friday 12 June 2020
16:30 to 18:30

We are holding our first ever ‘Young Carers Got Talent’ show

Young carers GOT TALENTShow us your skills!

The show is open to ALL ages and ALL talents.  You just need to be registered as a Young Carer with the Bromley Well Young Carers Team. Find out more on our website here.

And please do contact Matt or Lorna if you are or know a Young Carer in Bromley Borough.

So, it's Friday June 12th at 4.30pm  on Zoom - hope to see you there! 

Contact Matt or Lorna, Young Carers Team
07598 828070
Cost Free but you need to be registered with the Bromley Well Young Carers Service