A flyer for the workshop in blue and green advising of the date, time and place

Scams Workshop for People with Learning Difficulties (Bromley)

Monday 26 February 2024
10:00 to 12:00

We will be joined by guest speaker, Beverley Nicklin, Senior Trading Standards Enforcement Officer from Bromley Trading Standards Team

Beverley will give a talk about scams that are currently active in and around the borough and how to avoid being a victim of these crimes, looking at prevention and precautions we can put in place. Refreshments will follow the workshop.

Booking required. Please contact Maria on 020 8466 0790 or maria.carver-carter@bromleywell.org.uk.

When:  Monday 26th February 2024 - 10.00am to 12:00pm

Where:  Bromley Scout Hut, 15 Prospect Place, Bromley, BR2 9HL

Download the flyer for directions.


Contact Maria
020 8466 0790
Bromley Scout Hut, 15 Prospect Place
(view map)
Cost Free, but please book your place ahead of time.