YC exploring gender expression

Young Carers: Exploring Gender Expression Workshop (Bromley North)

Tuesday 30 May 2023
12:30 to 17:00

Calling all Young Carers!

Join us for an interactive workshop exploring gender affirming fashion for people of all gender/expressions.  

  • Learn about exploring gender identity and more through creative exercises.
  • Practical tips and a resource exchange forum.

The workshop will be delivered in collaboration with Santi from G(end)er Swap.

Come along for lunch before the workshop starts!


You need to be registered with our service to come - contact Lorna lorna.hammer@bromleywell.org.uk

If you are already with us, you can register your interest in this workshop via the young carers app. Add a note in the forum section to vote on the type of take out we order! 

Places are limited and will be confirmed after you have registered. A Booking form will need to be completed to confirm your attendance.

Contact Lorna to register: lorna.hammer@bromleywell.org.uk


If you are or know a Young Carer who isn't registered with Bromley Well

Find out what we do to support young carers aged 4-19 years on our website

For more information email youngcarers@bromleywell.org.uk

Contact Lorna
Bromley North
Cost Free - but you need to be registered with Bromley Well Young Carers