Photogra[hy exhibition June 2023

Young Carers Photography Exhibition (Bromley North)

Thursday 01 June 2023
10:30 to 12:30

Calling all Young Carers!

If you attended our photography workshop last year in collaboration with Create Art,  we would like to invite you to your very own Exhibition.

Venue: Bromley North (full address will be provided when you register)

Date: Thursday 1st June

Time: 10.30 – 12.30

Come along to see your unseen work and curate your very own exhibition of work whilst catching up with the new friends that you made.

We will provide some biscuits and soft drinks.

Contact Lorna to register:


If you are or know a Young Carer who isn't registered with Bromley Well

Find out what we do to support young carers aged 4-19 years on our website

For more information email

Contact Lorna
Bromley North
Cost Free - but you need to be registered with Bromley Well Young Carers