YC music event

Learning about Money through Music

Wednesday 12 April 2023
10:30 to 15:30

Join Bromley Well Young Carers for this workshop Learning about Money through Music - in collaboration with Create Art. The workshop will take place over three days.


Dates: Tuesday 11th, 12 and 13th April 10.30 – 3.30pm

Who can attend? 

Young Cares in Year Groups 5 , 6 and 7 (it is open to these year groups only)

To register

Please email Hannah to register your interest: 

hannah.bennett@bromleywell.org.uk  giving the full name and age of the young carer who would like to attend.

Not a registered young carer?

Bromley Well supports young people aged 4 - 19 years who care for others. Find out more and how to register.

Contact Hannah Bennett
Bromley North
Cost Free to Young Carers registered with Bromley Well