YC poster for self care week book club

Self Care Week: Young Carers Online Club Talk about Self Care

Wednesday 16 November 2022
17:15 to 17:45

Special Edition of Young Carers Book club!

It's Self Care Week at Bromley Young Carers.

At the end of our usual weekly Book Group, ALL registered young carers are invited to join us at 5.15pm - 5.45pm on Wednesday 16th November to share top tips around how you take care of yourself and what helps you improve your wellbeing.

To register

Please email Joe to register your interest: joe.stapleton@bromleywell.org.uk giving the full name and age of the young carer who would like to attend.


Wednesday 5.15 pm - 5.45pm (at the end of Book Club which runs 4.30pm-5.15pm)

 On Zoom. 

Suitable for young carers aged 8+. However you are welcome to contact us if you feel the young carer would enjoy the session.

Not a registered young carer?

Bromley Well supports young people aged 4 - 19 years who care for others. Find out more and how to register.

Contact Joe Stapleton
07594 091769
On Zoom
Cost Free to Young Carers registered with Bromley Well