Young Carers Action Day

Wednesday 16 March 2022
16:00 to 18:00

We would like to invite you to our party which will celebrate this years ‘Young Carers Action Day'

Young Carers Action Day DATE: Wednesday 16th March

TIME: 4-6 pm

VENUE: Amrita Hall, 211 Fair Acres, Bromley. BR2 9YG

 We would like to see as many of you as possible.

The theme for this years YCAD is ‘Taking Action on Isolation’ therefore, spending some time together will be a great way to celebrate.


We have lots planned for the party, entertainment, photo booth, cakes and more….

Reserve your space by contacting Lorna Hammer.


Contact Lorna Hammer
Cost Free but you need to be registered with the Bromley Well Young Carers Service