Bromley Self Care Week: Free Ballet for Everyone!

Thursday 18 November 2021
10:00 to 11:00

Join local group Magpie Dance for free dancing session!

magpie danceMagpie dance's Ballet class uses progressive exercises that build physical and technical skills and inspire musicality. These sessions give a solid grounding in basic ballet technique. 

When: Thursday 18th Nov

Time: 10 – 11

Where: Bromley Central Library, 4th Floor, High Street, Bromley, BR1 1EX

Who for? Magpie Ballet sessions are for adults, aged 18+, with and without learning disabilities, who wish to commit to exploring dance further by learning specific dance styles and techniques. 

Register: Free but please register in advance so they know numbers - email Florence:


These sessions engage participants in high quality, inclusive dance style techniques involving active learning to develop and achieve measurable dance and life skills, creative and professional progression in dance.



Contact Florence at Magpie Dance
Bromley Central Library, 4th Floor, High Street
(view map)
Cost Free!