Adult Carers Peer Support Group with Estate Planning

Wednesday 03 November 2021
14:00 to 17:00

Please join us and other carers at Community House in Bromley to discuss how things have been for you, exchange ideas and socialise (from a distance!) with like-minded people.

You are welcome to attend just the peer support group or just the Estate Planning, but you must book your place for either or both.

Estate Planning Talk

A respresentative from the Coop will explain what is involved in Estate Planning, covering topics such as Probate, Wills, Power of Attorney, Trusts and Advanced Health Directive. 

2:00- 4:00pm: Carers Peer Support Group

4:00- 5:00pm: Estate Planning with the Coop

Carers Peer Support Groups are held fortnightly every other Wednesday - please check the What's On page for other available dates.

Once you've booked your place, we will be in touch with all the relevant safety information and instructions regarding your visit.

How do I book?

Contact us to book your place on: 0208 315 1925 or e-mail If you are a carer and are not registered with Bromley Well but wish to attend this group, please get in touch!

Contact Adult Carers Team
020 8315 1925
Community House, South Street
(view map)
Cost Free! You to be registered with Adult Carers to access our workshops & events.