Coffee Zoom Afternoon for Carers of People with Poor Mental Health

Wednesday 24 March 2021
15:00 to 16:00

Carers! Pop the kettle on and join us...


What to expect

A safe, confidential and relaxed space to enjoy a cup of tea/coffee whilst connecting with those who understand the responsibility of caring for others.

Led by 

Staff from within the Bromley Well Mental Health Carers Team.

Who can come?

We'll meet on Zoom. You need to be registered with Bromley Well services to come along. To register contact and ask to join Bromley Well services as an unpaid carer.

If you're already registered, email for the Zoom link or help yourself below.


Dates: Wednesdays in February and March 2021.

Time: 3pm-4pm

 ZOOM link for you if you're ready to go!

Contact Mental Wellbeing Team
Cost Free but don't forget - you need to be registered with Bromley Well