Young Carers Art Course

Tuesday 16 February 2021

Exciting, FREE half term art course for Bromley young carers aged 11+

 YC art course 2.21Our celebrations are starting early for Young Carers Action Day.

Young carers aged 11+ are invited to a February half term workshop that we're fortunate enough to be involved with through ‘CREATE’,  a fantastic arts charity.

Book now to join professional artist Jenny Leonard for workshops over 3 days in half term. You'll be creating your own masterpiece to share on Young Carers Action Day (YCAD) on March 16th this year.

No skills or experience required - just be ready to get stuck in!

There will be an art exhibition on YCAD March 16th and we are hoping to secure someone ‘famous’ to attend!! Fingers crossed!

Course days: Tuesday 16th , Wednesday 17th  and Thursday 18th February 2021.

Times each day: 10 – 11.15 am; 11.45 – 1pm and 2pm – 3.15pm.

Booking deadline: Monday 25th January

Contact Lorna to book:

Contact Lorna Hammer in Young Carers
07598 828070
Cost Free but don't forget - you need to be registered with Bromley Well