Adult Carers Conscious Breath Workshop via Zoom
Thursday 17 December 2020
11:00 to 12:00
The breath is the one constant we have in our lives, people come and go, jobs change, we move house etc but the breath is with us all the way. It is with us from the day we are born until the day we die, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day - we breath approximately 20,000 times a day 365 days a year!
Benefits may include:
:- strengthens the respiratory & immune system,
:-detoxification of the body,
:-integration of stress and tension,
:-:-, stimulating the cardio-vascular system,
:-expanded awareness,
:-attaining higher states of consciousness,
:-trauma release,
:-improved sleep and greater mental focus and clarity.
To attend this workshop please call the Adult Carers on
020 8315 1925 or
E-mail us at
Contact |
Adult Carers Support Service 020 8315 1925 |
Cost | FREE! |