Carers Week: Get Involved!

Monday 08 June 2020

This year's theme is Making Caring Visible. A little harder virtually, but we want as many of you involved as possible to make this as special as we can in the circumstances.

In preparation, we're asking that if you're on Facebook and you haven't done already, follow our page, as we will be posting quite a bit on there during the week. If you don't have or want Facebook, don't worry, we'll be sharing everything with you via e-mail too- just make sure you're signed up to receive them here.

Carers, what we'd love from you... 

We'd love you to be involved in raising awareness about caring and making it more visible. You can do this in any way you feel comfortable, whether that's displaying a poster, creating some art work, writing a poem, recording a video of yourself or by just sending us a message about what caring means to you.

Professionals, colleagues and all readers!

Please take the time to get involved this Carers Week. It's the strangest one we've had so far and it would be great if we could have as many people involved as possible.

You can:

  • Display a poster in your window or workplace and send us a snap!
  • Send us a photo or post on our social media and tag us!
  • You can make a video showing your appreciation, or even promote a service that you offer that might be beneficial to carers
  • Get creative! Come up with your own way to make caring visible, but please tell us about it!
  • Join in with one or all of the activities in our schedule!
  • Display a poster!

Display a poster in your window or workplace

We've created a few posters for you to print and display to Make Caring Visible. Feel free to make your own in whichever format you'd like!

Download poster 1

Download poster 2

Download poster 3

Download poster 4

Please e-mail or post on our Facebook, Instagram or Twitter a photo of your poster proudly displayed for all the see!

We've also set up a temporary Whatsapp Group so you can easily send us your videos, photos and messages.

Join the Carers Week Whatsapp Group here!

Let’s Make Caring Visible!

Contact Bromley Well Adult Carers
020 8315 1925
Cost Free