Arts & Crafts for Carers (Memory Books)

Tuesday 21 May 2019
14:00 to 16:00

Arts & Crafts group for carers, led by carers.

You don't need to bring anything, all materials will be provided. Booking is compulsory, so we have enough equipment for everyone. This month's group will be making Memory Books in aid of Dementia Action Week 2019.

Tuesday 21 May 2:00- 4:00pm

Community House, South Street, Bromley BR1 1RH

To book contact us to book your place on: 0208 315 1925 or email

If you are a carer and are not registered with Bromley Well but wish to attend this group, please get in touch.

Contact Adult Carers team
020 8315 1925
Community House, South Street
(view map)
Cost FREE!